
I am a city girl, living in Napa with my hubby, Kevin, raising two crazy boys named Phoenix (5) and Roux (3). Some would say I am queen of the house. Although the real queen is our fur baby Joey, the cat, we call Jo-Bean. As an avid podcast listener, there are never enough hours in the day to get all my podcast listening in! Some of my guilty pleasures include: Soy Chai Lattes and Vanilla Bean Scones. If you can’t catch me editing, I will most likely be at a barre class….or maybe Target.



Photography has always had my heart for as long as I can remember when my parents gave me my own camera for Christmas. I vividly remember turning in my film to the drugstore and having so much joy coming back to pick up the prints. Although I graduated from Arizona State with a Bachelors in Psychology and Business, my path was always in photography. In 2005, I went back to school at the Academy of Art in San Francisco to study photography and the rest is history.
